Privacy notes

These privacy notes describe how (Robert Haselbacher, I/me) will collect, use and share your personal information.

Last updated: Januar 23, 2023

Contact form

I use Basin to process the submissions of my contact form. Please review their privacy policy at
Basin processes data with the help of vendors in the United States of America, Canada, and the European Union. If you chose to send me a message via the contact form you have to provide an email address. When you submit a message, Basin will send you a confirmation e-mail. This email will provide a link («Submit a Request») to a page where you can exercise your data control rights, including the deletion of your personal data («right to be forgotten»).


I have chosen Pirsch for my website analytics. Pirsch does not store nor log the visitors IP address and does not use cookies.
You can read more about Pirsch and their policy/service on and in the documentation